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Within the framework of the Circular Economy Fortnight 2022

June 3, 2022 

Design station of Liège

Animation: Liège créative, Espace environnement, CETIC

Photographer : Sandrine Seyen


9:00 Welcome of the participants

9h20 Introduction

-Presentation of the Walloon Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) and Strategic Innovation Initiatives (SII) by Larissa Grommersch, attaché at SPW-EER, Economic Policy Directorate.

-Presentation of the Waste2Bio Initiative by Marc Hanikenne and Cécile Nouet, ULiège.

10:00 1st round of discussion tables

11:00 2nd round of discussion tables

12:15 Lunch – Networking

Six discussion tables proposed:

1. Improve inventory and mapping of brownfields and preventing flooding 

2. Develop new plant/microorganism associations adapted to wastelands to meet three objectives: phytostabilization, biomass, biodiversity 

3. Combine photovoltaic and phytomanagement

4. Develop Plant Factories 

5. Produce biomass from brownfields 

6. Create a Living Lab dedicated to phytomanagement